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Bartkowski, Frances, 'Casablanca Revisited: Caryl Phillips's The European Tribe', in her Travelers, Immigrants, Inmates: Essays in Estrangement (Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 1995), pp. Bamyeh, Mohammed A., 'Frames of Belonging: Four Contemporary European Travels', Social Text, 39 (Summer 1994), pp. Baillie, Justine, '"There are no paths in water": History, Memory and Narrative Form in Crossing the River (1993) and Foreigners: Three English Lives (2007)', Lectures du monde anglophone, 4 (2018), special issue on 'Caryl Phillips, Inhabiting the Voids of History', guest edited by Françoise Kral,. Ayukako, Elizabeth T., 'Migration and Personality Disintegration in Caryl Phillips' In the Falling Snow', Labyrinth: An International Refereed Journal of Postmodern Studies, 6.1 (2015), pp. Ashford Carter, Tomeiko, 'Signifying (Non)Linguistic and Subliminal Spirituality: Caryl Phillips' Crossing the River', Ariel, 45.1&2 (January-April 2014), pp. Armstrong, Andrew, 'It's in the Blood! Othello and his Descendants: Reading the Spatialization of Race in Caryl Phillips' The Nature of Blood', Shibboleths: A Journal of Comparative Theory, 2.2 (June 2008), pp. Exploring History in Wilson Harris's Jonestown and Caryl Phillips's The Nature of Blood', Jouvert, 6.3 (2002). Armstrong, Andrew, 'Bloody History! Exploring a Capacity for Revision. Antoni, Robert, 'The Enigma of Unarrival: A Tribute to Caryl Phillips', Ariel, 48.3&4 (2017), pp. Andindilile, Michael, '"We have lost sight of Africa": America, Europe and the Diaspora in Caryl Phillips's Crossing the River', Afroeuropa 3.1 (2009). An, Jee Hyun, '"Only then, if I listen carefully": The Sounding(s) of Countermodernity in Caryl Phillips's Crossing the River’, Cycnos: Traversée d'une oeuvre: Crossing the River de Caryl Phillips, 32.1 (2016), pp. Almeida Silva, Denise, 'Forasteiros na Pátria-Mãe: O Lugar do Migrante em The Lonely Londoners, de Samuel Selvon e The Final Passage, de Caryl Phillips', Ilha do Desterno: A Journal of Language and Literature, 54 (January-June 2008), pp. Alka, Divya Joshi, 'Historical and Eco-Critical Analysis of Caryl Phillips's The Atlantic Sound', International Journal of Management and Applied Science, 11.3 (2017), pp. Alka, Divya Joshi, 'Quest for Black Identity in The European Tribe', Research Journal of English Language and Literature, 5.3 (2017), pp. by Biodun Jeyifo (Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, 2011), pp. Adesokan, Akin, 'The Ambiguous Adventures of Caryl Phillips', in Africa in the World & the World in Africa: Essays in Honour of Abiola Irele, ed. Adesokan, Akin, 'Imaginary Citizenship: Caryl Phillips's Atlantic World', in his Postcolonial Artists and Global Aesthetics (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2011), pp. Acquarone, Cecilia, 'Barriers, Borders and Crossings in two Postmodern Novels: Caryl Phillips's The Nature of Blood and Zadie Smith's White Teeth', EPOS, 24 (2008), pp. Aatkar, Sofia, 'Postcolonial flânerie in Caryl Phillips's The Atlantic Sound and Ferdinand Dennis's Behind the Frontlines: Journey into Afro-Britain', Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 56.1 (2020), pp. Ward, Abigail, Caryl Phillips, David Dabydeen, and Fred D'Aguiar: Representations of Slavery (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2011). #Paroles obsession aventura series#
Thomas, Helen, Caryl Phillips, Writers and their Work Series (London: Northcote, 2006). Schatteman, Renée T., ed., Conversations with Caryl Phillips (Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi, 2009). Ranguin, Josiane, Mediating the Windrush Children: Caryl Phillips and Horace Ove (New York: Peter Lang, 2020). Lefrançois, Frédéric, L'autre scène du désir: Strange Fruit de Caryl Phillips (Paris: Yehkri, 2017). Ledent, Bénédicte & Daria Tunca, eds., Caryl Phillips: Writing in the Key of Life (Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi, 2012).
Ledent, Bénédicte, Caryl Phillips (Manchester: Manchester University Press, Contemporary World Writers Series, 2002). Kral, Françoise, Sounding Out History: Caryl Phillips's Crossing the River (Nanterre: Presses universitaires de Paris Nanterre, 2017). Kato, Tsunehiko, The World of Caryl Phillips: An Introduction to the Present Black British Literature (Kyoto: Sekaishiso-sha, 2008).
Festa, Maria, History and Race in Caryl Phillips's The Nature of Blood, Studies in English Literatures, volume 20 (Stuttgart: Ibidem, 2020). #Paroles obsession aventura plus#
Clary, Françoise, Plus sur Caryl Phillips (Neuilly-sur-Seine: Atlande, 2018).
Clary, Françoise, Caryl Phillips: Crossing the River (Neuilly-sur-Seine: Atlande, 2017).Boutros, Fatim, Facing Diasporic Trauma: Self-Representation in the Writings of John Hearne, Caryl Phillips, and Fred D'Aguiar (Leiden & Boston: Brill/Rodopi, Cross/Cultures 186, 2015).